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Douglas Shaffer, DNAP, MSN, BSN


Dr. Douglas Shaffer is Ohio born and raised. He began his career in healthcare in the early 1990’s as an Emergency Medical Technician in Youngstown, Ohio, where he was highly skilled as an Emergency Room technician. He entered nursing school in 2000, and became a licensed Registered Nurse.  He served on a mobile intensive care unit, and spent five years managing patients on a cardiac thoracic surgical unit.  In 2005, he became a Flight Trauma Nurse and in 2007 obtained his baccalaureate degree in nursing from Chamberlain College.  Specializing in anesthesia, he graduated from Youngstown State University and St. Elizabeth’s School of Nursing Anesthesia in 2011.  In 2013, he became a commissioned officer in the United States Air Force Reserve where he continues to serve today as a Captain. He continued his love for nursing,  education, and anesthesia and in 2016 graduated from LaRoche College obtaining his doctorate degree in Nursing Anesthesia. 


Dr. Shaffer enjoys forming long-term relationships with many of his patients and is keenly interested in their overall health and wellness. His practice covers both physical and mental aspects of the drug treatment and is totally committed to his patients.


Dr. Shaffer devotes his spare time to his marriage and family.  His main hobbies are hunting, fishing, exercising, golf and water-sports. He continues to be give back to his community, which all started when he became an Eagle Scout years ago.



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