Kassandra Kornbau, DNP, MSN, BSN
Dr. Kassandra Kornbau is a board-certified family nurse practitioner with a focus on psychiatric medicine. Her background includes emergency medicine, family practice, adult psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, and military medicine. Dr. Kornbau’s clinical career took her on a journey through the healthcare system, from inpatient to outpatient settings, managing the care of everyone from toddlers to older adults.
Upon completing a doctorate degree in nursing practice, Dr. Kornbau began consulting for several organizations while working full -time focusing on improving mental health in her community. She is a strong advocate for empowering nurses and clients, and she fiercely believes that nurses should play a pivotal role in shaping modern health care. Dr. Kornbau strives to provide integrated, holistic mental health care and is very involved in her patient’s overall health and wellness. She is passionate about the military and has served in the Air Force Reserve since 2002. Dr. Kornbau is a member of APNA and NAMI.
Dr. Kornbau devotes her spare time to her marriage and family, continuing her education, and to physical fitness and related pursuits.